Written by Jasmin Čolić on Aug. 26th 2019
We’ve all heard people say how they need time to relax after a long day of work, to just watch Netflix and to not think about anything (especially not work!). We’ve also heard people say how they can’t wait for their vacation ...
Written by Jasmin Čolić on Aug. 19th 2019
Your behavior today is nothing but the product of your emotional reactions from past experiences. These connections between the present and the past are governed by your limbic system. It triggers ...
Written by Jasmin Čolić on Aug. 12th 2019
The limbic system is a structure in your brain, whose main purpose is to ensure your survival. It does so by recording and storing every emotional reaction you had during your lifetime, as well as the circumstances in which that reaction occurred. These include the type of ...
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