About Jasmin Čolić
Jasmin Čolić is an entrepreneur, a clinical psychologist and a psychotherapy researcher born in Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina. He currently resides with his wife in Dresden, Germany, where he finished his postgraduate studies.

In his teenage years, Jasmin suffered from an (apparently) incurable autoimmune disease and from multiple psychological disorders. He managed to not only completely get rid of these conditions but to turn himself into a high-performing individual (e.g. awarded multiple scholarships, voted best international student of the TU Dresden in 2016, etc.). Based on cutting-edge neuroscientific and psychological research, he developed a system called "Limbic Hacking" that transcends conventional approaches and with which he can rapidly extinguish limiting beliefs and dysfunctional behavioral patterns.

Using his method, Jasmin consistently helps his clients to optimize their dating and relationships, their work performance, their social skills and to get rid of procrastination, anxieties, lack of focus and many other problems.
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